President’s Message: January 2019
Happy New Year!
The 2018 show season is history now, but what a great year for Peninsula members! We would like to thank everyone who volunteered and competed at our shows! We appreciated all the nice facilities and all the hard work that went into each show. Our Year End Christmas Party and Awards banquet was a great way to end the year! Thanks to everyone who worked on the planning of it, and John and Brenda Burkett for providing the club house at Glen Riddle! It was festively decorated and all the Riddle Farm horse memorabilia set the atmosphere!
Congratulations to each and every one who earned year end awards! It takes a lot of hard work to achieve those, and you all had an amazing year. Thanks to Caroline Turner for making the beautiful glass trophies, they were really appreciated! The “2018” results will be in this newsletter.
We had our first planning meeting of the year at Horse Bridge Farm. Our officers will remain the same this year, as everyone seemed happy with keeping them in place. We all work well together! There were some new faces there, and we are glad for their willingness to participate this year. We got a lot accomplished and the show dates are all confirmed. We discussed judges and are planning to hire one or two higher rated judges this year. Cat Dorcak is busy updating our website. She has lots of great ideas to bring us into this millennium! The members voted on raising the membership fee and class fees, with the ever increasing expenses. Please read Shawn's “Treasurer's message” in this newsletter. The fees haven't been raised in recent memory! Please see the minutes for all the details.
Our next meeting will be February 7th at Beth Drewer's house: 8579 Riggin Road in Mardela Springs, MD 21837. We will be going over the new dressage tests at this meeting and the following meeting. March 16 and 17 is our clinic with Kathy Rowse “S”! Always a pleasure to have her come down here for us! We
Peninsula Dressage Chapter of PVDA
appreciate her expertise so much! Her fee is $90 per rider, which covers her expenses. Some of the fee may be subsidized by PVDA; I am getting that in the works! We are looking forward to seeing everyone out for our “2019” show season!
Kim Briele
The club proposed and voted to increase the cost of Peninsula Dressage membership from $15.00 to $20.00. A $5.00 increase, which is the first increase in membership cost ever. Please note all Peninsula Dressage members need to be PVDA members.
It was also proposed and voted to increase the cost of all test rides by $5.00. Rides are now $20.00 each and $25.00 for Critique tests.
There was discussion to take the cost of the Women Supporting Women ribbons out of the show proceeds and before making the donation. This discussion was tabled until the August meeting.
Officers for 2019 Kim Briele President
Brenda Burkett Vice President
Shawn McEntee Treasurer
Amie Blackwell Secretary
Allison Turner Year end coordinator
Cat Dorcak will be taking over the Peninsula Dressage website. She will get it up to date and more mobile friendly. There will be a form added to track volunteer hours. The show entries and websites will be updated with liability releases. We are looking to create a way to accept credit cards/debit cards for show payments.
Show managers will need to complete a show report after each show and email to Shawn McEntee so details can be reported to PVDA.
2019 Show dates: April 20 at Cat Dorcak’s Big Red Farm
Manager TBA. Easter is April 21.
May 4 at Wicomico Equestrian Center
Kim Briele and Brenda Burkett to manage.
June 8 at Renaissance Stable
Jenny Mlyniec will manage.
July 13 at Winaway Farm
Kim Briele will ask Jen Pino if she is willing to manage.
Sept 7 at Wicomico Equestrian Center
Shawn McEntee and a co-manager to manage.
Oct 5 at WinAway Farm
Jenny Mlyniec and Amy Schine will manage.
There is a clinic with Kathy Rowse at Kim Briele’s farm March 16 and 17. Contact Kim for a ride time.
Kim Briele and Brenda Burkett will work on finding judges for the shows.
The next meeting will be February 7, 2019 at the home of Beth Drewer in Mardela Springs, MD, at 6:30pm. We will be reviewing the new tests.
Respectfully submitted,
Amie Blackwell
A Message from the Treasurer:
Here is a brief rundown of some financials that I have records on.
As a non-profit organization, we have tried to end the year with sufficient revenue to cover the following year’s insurance; we have sought to invest surplus revenue
strategically for the club and in donations to other worthy ventures in the horse world. As the largest PVDA Chapter, and the most active one, show attendance (particularly high in 2015 and 2016) has provided surplus revenues which allowed us to purchase new dressage ring letters and new cones in 2014 and 2015 ($489.95, $757.75). Surplus revenues have also been used to pre-purchase ribbons (typically at a 10% discount in January/February) for at least the May show; in addition, we have averaged $400 - $500 in expenditures for end of year ribbons and awards (included in annual ribbon costs above), as well as additional expenditures of $300 to $500 in gifts or donations beyond WSW annually. The 2018 increase in insurance costs in 2018 (from $180 - $230) continues to be covered by the $5 non-(PVDA) member fee.
As a club, based on surplus revenues, we made the decision to hire more qualified judges which accounts for the increase in costs for judges in 2015, 2016, and 2017; if memory serves, increases in transportation costs may account for the increased costs of judges in 2013 and 2014.
Increased costs of ribbons is due both to increases in prices from Hodges Badge and increases in average show size.
When I became Treasurer, I backtracked as much information as I was able; records were spotty but, from mid-2011, here is what we spent on ribbons (including year-end awards) and judges (including compensation for the WSW judge’s travel expenditures). I was not able to find expenditures for a judge for the June Show in 2012.
Year Ribbons Judges
2011 $394.97 $1234.00
2012 $813.36 $1213.00
2013 $800.76 $1444.50
2014 $1112.30 $1565.00
2015 $1242.99 $1734.00
2016 $1529.57 $1768.00
2017 $1284.91 $1796.56
2018 $1026.74 $1551.00
Over this period, we have consistently run a series of five shows, the last of which is the Women Supporting Women show for which we donate ALL income (which has included the costs of ribbons). Essentially, we have consistently delivered five
shows with revenues from four; we do not earn money from any sources other than our shows and annual membership dues. Annually, revenue sources include class fees (up until now, $15 per class), $5 non-PVDA member fee (range from $45 – $70 per show), the occasional late fee (rare), and annual membership dues (for 30 – 35 members). From that, we pay for ribbons, judges, website hosting/domain name ($130 - $150 annually), insurance coverage for our shows from PVDA (now $230 a year), and other show expenses which include copies of tests, scoreboards, programs, meals for judges and full-day volunteers, and miscellaneous other office supplies.
Grounds fees and stall fees from show entries go directly to venue owners (WEC and WinAway Farm).
For 2018, we reduced expenditures on end of year awards to just over $200 and did not buy gifts or make donations beyond WSW; in addition, we have not yet purchased ribbons for the May (2019) show – which is likely to cost $200 - $300.
Because we reduced expenditures for 2018 year-end awards, we currently have $365, $230 of which must pay for insurance prior to the May 2019 show. Ribbons for the May show will cost about $200 and MUST be ordered at least 2 weeks prior to the show. Membership dues received between now and early February will be used to purchase ribbons; we will buy as many full sets as we can afford prior to Feb 15, which is the end of Hodges Badge 10% off sale.
We have not raised membership dues OR class fees for at least 15 years. In order to continue delivering our show series and benefits to our members in the form of high-quality judges, and year-end awards as well as our annual picnic and awards dinner, club members in attendance at the January 3, 2019 meeting voted unanimously to increase annual membership dues to $20 per member and to increase all class fees by $5 per class. We expect these increases to cover our increased costs and provide surplus revenues in the coming years.
Shawn McEntee
Peninsula Dressage Year-End Results 2018
Sport Horse in Hand
1. Innspired – Shari Rayne 78.0%
Introductory Level
1. Take Me To The Top – Jessica Murphy 66.08%
Training Level
1. Buzz Lightyear – Danielle Harrington 64.49%
2. Miss Fredericka – Barbara Unkle 64.44%
3. Kismet Bey – Pam Cahill 64.00%
First Level
1. Rosie – Allison Turner 67.63%
2. Partly Cloudy – Madeleine Kiesewetter 66.87%
3. Adagia – Kim Briele 66.26%
4. Where’s My Mojo – Erin Bryan 64.59%
Second Level & Above
1. BW Traditional Teddy – Rebecca Turner 62.30%
2. Serena – Caroline Turner 61.46%
Peninsula Dressage Challenge Trophy: Serena – Caroline Turner
Peninsula Dressage Open Division 2018
Training Level
1. Buzz Lightyear – Danielle Harrington 60.88%
First Level
1. Partly Cloudy – Madeleine Kiesewetter 69.14%
2. Finesse NF – Christina Dayton-Wall 67.85%
Second Level & Above
1. Finesse NF – Christina Dayton-Wall 60.10%